How To Join Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club [ SVARC ]
Applicants must be sponsored by a club member and have two supporting references. They must be willing to serve on one or more active committees.
Senior ( 18 years or older ) initiation fee is $5.00 and Junior (under 18 years old) initiation fee is $1.00.
The yearly dues currently are $24.00 for all ages.
SVARC Membership Application Form – Click to view or download
Fill-out and bring to next Club House meeting or send via US Mail with your initiation fee to: SVARC, P.O. Box 2273, Winchester, VA 22604.
NOTE – To be voted in, there are two readings that must occur, and you must be present in-person or via Zoom at the meeting where your readings occur. So, plan on attending at least two meetings to be voted in.
How to Join the ARRL
The American Radio Relay League is the national association for amateur radio. This organization is amateur radio’s advocate and voice in protecting our bandwidth and promoting legislation and policies to support our hobby and its members. SVARC, being an ARRL affiliated club, encourages its members to also be members of ARRL (but it’s not required). It’s the best way you can support the health and ensure the future of amateur radio.
ARRL Website:
This website is a wealth of information as well as educational and technical resources for amateur radio operators of all skill levels. Go here to find training events, hamfests, contests, special event stations, and much more.
- CLICK HERE to learn about ARRL membership levels.
- JOIN ARRL HERE and you’ll also receive a subscription to the monthly QST magazine.
- Find ARRL ON FACEBOOK:—a great place to find current information and conversations going on about ham radio issues and concerns.