Our Open Repeaters

Please come try our repeaters on 2 meters and 70 centimeters

Coordinated repeaters

The club operates two T-MARC coordinated amateur radio repeaters, using the club call sign (W4RKC) – one on the 2 meter band, and the other on the 70 centimeter band. Both repeaters were upgraded in 2015 to Yaesu System FUSION DR-1X repeaters, enabling them to support both analog and Yaesu System FUSION digital operations. To learn more about this, CLICK HERE.

Approximate Coverage

The approximate coverage of both repeaters is represented on the map below. Areas shaded in green below indicate areas of predicted strong signal coverage where the blue areas indicate predicted useable, but weaker, signal strength areas. The ‘user end’ assumption data selected to feed the tool that generating this predicted coverage map was a typical mobile setup (i.e. a mobile running 25 Watts, into a medium gain antenna like the Comet SBB-5, mounted on the trunk deck of the average sedan – i.e. approximately 1 meter above ground).

SVARC Repeater Coverage Map

SVARC Repeaters’ Approximate Mobile User Coverage According to Radio Mobile

Repeater Location

The little black plus (‘+’) symbol in the middle of the map above is the location of these repeaters. SVARC is fortunate to own mountain property up on Great North Mountain, west of Winchester. The repeater site is situated approximately 2,200 feet above sea level, enabling these repeaters to reach much of the northern Shenandoah Valley.

Open for General Use to All Appropriately-Licensed Hams

SVARC repeaters are ‘open’ for licensed amateur operators with privileges to use the associated frequency bands and modes (U.S. Technician class and higher licensees, and foreign licensees with Technician-class-equivalent or higher granted privileges in the U.S. through reciprocal licensing agreements, etc.), and invited to try them out and make use of them.

We Do Nets Too!

In addition to general use, the 2 meter repeater hosts the Shenandoah Valley Emergency Net (SVEN) weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM local time.  This net can handle traffic as part of the National Traffic System (NTS). Many SVARC members participate in the net to engage in fellowship with club members and others within communication range of the repeater. The net is open for participation by any licensed amateur with privileges on the 2 meter band. We invite and encourage you to check in with us!

Repeater Parameters

2 Meter Repeater

The 2 Meter repeater pair has been long held, and is the original coordinated pair issued to SVARC in the 1970s.

  • Repeater Output: 146.82 MHz
  • Transmitter Offset Direction: ‘-‘ (uses standard 600 kHz offset, where repeater input frequency is 146.22 MHz)
  • PL / CTCSS code: Encoding of 146.2 Hz required for FM analog access
  • Yaesu System FUSION capable on input (AMS on receive, fixed FM on transmit)

Remember that we have a net at 7:00 PM on Tuesdays, and we always enjoy new people as well as the regulars checking in to this net, so please consider yourself invited to join us!

70 Centimeter Repeater

The 70 Centimeter repeater pair was added some time after the original pair, and remains the originally-coordinated pair issued for SVARC’s use.

  • Repeater Output: 448.775 MHz
  • Transmitter Offset Direction: ‘-‘ (uses standard 5 MHz offset, where repeater input frequency is 443.775 MHz)
  • PL / CTCSS code: Encoding of 146.2 Hz required for FM analog access, decoding recommended to be turned on for analog-only users (Check out More About Yaesu System FUSION Repeaters to understand why)
  • Yaesu System FUSION capable through the repeater (AMS on receive, AMS on transmit means that transmit follows what was received on input)

Other Repeater Usage

SVARC Annual Hamfest

Every year, the first Sunday in August, SVARC puts on a hamfest at the Clarke County Ruritan Fairgrounds in Berryville, Virginia. During that event, the 2-meter repeater is enlisted as a source of information and talk-in directions for those coming to the hamfest.

Public Service Events

The SVARC repeaters have also been used for various public service events where the club has been asked to provide communication support. Such events are considered special use, and hence, require the club’s special permission for use in such cases. If you are aware of an event that would benefit from such communication support, or wish to enlist the repeaters as a resource to support an event, please contact us at least a few weeks in advance of the event to ensure the club has sufficient time to process your request and respond.

Emergency Service

SVARC has a number of members involved in emergency communications (EMCOM) support activities, and the repeaters are a resource that may be available, and possibly pressed into service as a resource in emergency situations to provide critical communications support to first responders and their associated agencies. Many SVARC members are also active volunteers with the Virginia Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES).