Our Weekly Nets

Weekly VHF National Traffic System net

  • On Tuesday nights there is the 2m SVARC Club Net at 7pm on 146.820. The Net Control is Tony Amick KM4HUE. All licensed amateurs with privileges on the 2-meter band are invited and encouraged to check in with us.
  • The Northern Virginia Emergency Net meets each Sunday afternoon at 12:30 PM Local Time (Eastern Time) on 10 Meters at 29.200 MHz AM. The Net Control is Royce Crocker, W3IF.

Our Open Repeaters

The club operates two T-MARC coordinated amateur radio repeaters using the club call sign (W4RKC). One operates on the 2-meter band, and the other on the 70-cemtimeter band. Both repeaters were upgraded in 2015 to Yaesu System FUSION DR-1X repeaters, enabling them to support both analog and Yaesu System FUSION digital operations.

To learn more about our repeaters: their location, coverage, specifications, and who can use them, CLICK HERE 

Nearby National Traffic System Nets:

6:45 PM Daily: Eastern Panhandle Traffic Net [EPTN] 147.255, PL 146.2

7:30 PM Daily: Northern Virginia Traffic Net [NVTN] 147.300, no PL tone needed.

For more information about the National Traffic system, visit: http://www.arrl.org/nts/