Updated 1 September 2023

Welcome to W4RKCPatsyCline.com

The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club is excited to announce the establishment of an annual Special Event Station to commemorate the birthday of Winchester Virginia native, vocalist Patsy Cline. Patsy was the first performing artist to cross over from Country to POP. She began here career by singing on the air at WINC at the age of 15.


The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club will be operating multiple operator on multiple frequencies during the annual special event from September 8-10, celebrating Patsy’s September 8th birthday.

QSL Cards will be available on request by SASE to the club.

Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club – W4V

POB 2273 Winchester VA 22604 USA 


Mode / Frequencies: 

FT4 28.18 / 14.08 / 7.0475

FT8 28.074 / 14.074 / 7.074

PHONE: 28.345 / 14.245 / 7.245 / 3.845 

Operating Hours:

September 8: 1800-2400 Z

September 9: 1400-2400Z

September 10: 1400-2400Z


Find us / spot us on dxheat.com/dxc



If you would like to contact the Patsy Cline Special Event organizers, please use the form below. If a follow-up is requested, we anticipate 2-3 business days for a reply. Thank you for your interest.