Dear Renewing Member,

Thank you for renewing!

The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club was formed by a small group of charter members in the year 1948. The Club has prospered through the years to the dedication of its founders and members. We are an ARRL Affiliated Club and we are one of very few clubs with a long history of public and emergency services to our community.

We own our clubhouse thanks to the unselfish contributions made by the members and fundraising events. Our single objective is to promote Amateur Radio in general and to fulfill our obligations to public and emergency services through our many working committees.

We rely on our members’ loyalty to the organization and dedication to its objectives by all members with emphasis on the good of the club and its mission.

Please NOTE: If you choose to renew by credit or debit card, a card processing fee of $1.50 will be added for a total of $25.50. If you prefer not to have the extra charge, please mail a check  for $24 with your renewal form to the club address:

Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club, Inc.  

P.O. Box 2273

Winchester, VA 22604

On Check / Money Order Memo line please include “Renewal” and your callsign

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Choose which renewals you need below:
For additional renewals, please list below callsign, name and whether junior (17 or younger) or senior (18 or older) member