Dr. Jim Boehner N2ZZ

Another Hamfest for the Books

The 73rd annual Berryville Hamfest is over and we’re already thinking about how to make next year’s event bigger and better. The torrential rain and storms that swept through on Saturday afternoon made everyone a bit nervous, but the Sunday weather was gloriously clear and even a bit cooler. Hundreds of happy attendees, tailgaters, and vendors filled the Clarke County Fairgrounds with happy wheeling and dealing.

Dr. Jim Boehner N2ZZ, Director of ARRL’s Roanoke Division was keynote speaker for the ARRL Virginia State Convention held on the fairground stage during the Hamfest. Our state section manager,  Jack Smith KE4LWT also spoke about ways to get more amateur radio operators involved with emergency services and how to get new club members plugged into activities they’re interested in.

Club member John WD4GEK was our roving photographer, and his pictures are a good representation of the activities throughout the day. HAMFEST 2024 PHOTO ALBUM. The first picture shows the fairgrounds right after the rainshowers on Saturday that washed away most of the lime lines marked for tailgaters. What a difference a day makes!

The Sugar Creek ice cream truck was a big hit again this year. Besides the Convention, another new feature that we’ll definitely be bringing back next year was the 50/50. A lucky winner went home over $800 wealthier than when they came.

The number of volunteers who showed up and worked tirelessly over the course of the weekend was phenomenal, and we’re grateful to them and to those who took leadership roles for this event that many hams consider the best hamfest in the mid-Atlantic region.

See you next year!