SILENT KEY: Frank A. Swiech N1DGQ

SILENT KEY: Frank A. Swiech N1DGQ

SVARC club member Warren Corliss KQ4KLA has notified us of the death of a significant contributor to our hobby of amateur radio: Francis (Frank) A Swiech N1DGQ. Warren recalls: “Frank was founder of what is now the New England Repeater Directory. He originally maintained the spreadsheet in the 90s, which I then assisted in getting posted on a website in 1998. Frank will be greatly missed.”

His club, the Nashua ARS, did a member spotlight on him a few years ago that captures many of his amateur radio interests, activities, and contributions: CLICK HERE.

Francis “Frank” Swiech
1944 – 2024

Silent Key: Roger Steyaert K7RXV

Silent Key: Roger Steyaert K7RXV

We are sad to report the death of active SVARC member Roger Steyaert K7RXV, Extra Class License. Roger died in a head-on accident with a semitrailer truck near Cortez, Colorado. We don’t have any details or obituary, but a note has been sent to his family on behalf of the club.

Not many people knew Roger, though he contributed his expertise on many occasions, and we wanted to share a bit about his life. From his LinkedIn profile, we learned he was a magnetic engineer. We believe he had at least one (and we think two) PhD degrees but can’t confirm that.

From a May 1988 newsletter from the Orgon Tualatin Valley ARC, we learned that he was, at that time, president of their club and had been active in other roles. Here is an excerpt:

Roger is on the Board of the Amateur Radio Relay Group. He had the first Amateur TV station in the state of Oregon and built the TV camera back in 1963.

Roger was born in Sherwood, graduated from Portland State College, and was, at the time, married with three children. Employed as an Electronics Engineer by Tektronix at that time, Roger at one time had a very exciting job as a Ground Radio Engineer for Alaska Airlines. He designed ground electronic systems and runway lighting for several airports in Alaska. He holds a commercial pilot’s license and flying is still a hobby.

Other hobbies include photography and Black Powder Shooting. He is a member of the Barlow Trail Long Rifle and the B.C. Black Powder Associations.

In recent years, Roger was a professional miller at Burwell Morgan and a “Founding Miller” at Lockes Mill. He was a man of faith, calling occasionally on fellow club members with prayer requests.

Roger did a presentation for our Club on Modeling. You can view or download it here:

From the Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club Website, we found two presentations made by Roger:

May he rest in peace.

CARA Fest is Sunday, 1 October 2023

CARA Fest is Sunday, 1 October 2023

The Columbia Amateur Radio Association (CARA, K3CUJ) is pleased to announce that the annual CARA Fest is on Sunday, 1 October 2023 at the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, Maryland. We are emailing all the local club POCs and editors listed with ARRL to request your help in spreading the word. The key information is pasted below for your convenience, and our flyer is attached if you would like to share it.

CARA is also pleased to provide indoor tables for our fellow clubs to spread awareness of their activities, free of charge. If you have not already been in touch with us to coordinate an information table, you may book a complimentary table on the Tickets page of the CARA Fest website, let me know and I will put you in touch with our coordinator.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your support!


Wendy Sauvageot, K3TBD
CARA Fest Communications


Hamfest 2023 Photos from WD4GEK

Berryville Hamfest 2023

It’s a wrap! And it was a great hamfest. Weather was perfect and attendees were clearly in the mood to get out and find some great gear. Besides some new vendors, the Berryville Hamfest featured a new program called TechTalk all morning — short learning sessions for novices and experience hams alike. Topics included: getting your first license, operating QRP, ham and astronomy, lightning and your home, and a dramatic demo of Scott KE4WMF’s VW Rover.

There was a truly impressive showing of SVARC club members who came both days to set up, manage, and clean up. Thank you, each and every one.

John WD4GEK was the first to get his pictures out so you don’t have to wait to get a taste for the great day we had. To check out his album CLICK HERE

Request from KG4BIR: Volunteers Needed May 1

Please see below original request for specific information regarding times and locations followed by “update”Final Call.” In addition, ham operators volunteering are asked to bring a fully charged HT (just in case and to communicate between us at both sites. We will use the W4RKC repeater, 146.820 MHz, – (minus) offset, PL 146.2. As a backup we will use the K4QJZ repeater, 145.210 MHz, – (minus) offset, PL 141.3.

Original Request:

VDEM is requesting volunteers to support parking operations at the funeral of Deputy Chief Chester T. Lauck on Monday, May 1st. Chief Lauck was the Emergency Management Coordinator for Frederick County.

He was also a member of the SVARC and my Frederick County POC for WINFRED ARES.

They are looking for 14-30 volunteers to assist with parking efforts (directing traffic flow, etc.). The need is for two shifts at different locations in Winchester, VA.

Team 1 will be at the church from 0800 – 1300 for a shift of about 5 hours.

Team 2 will be at the cemetery from 1130 – 1530 for a shift of about 4 hours.
